
Networking (MCA-305) Assignment:
1. What is the advantages and disadvantages of fiber optics over copper wire?
2. Difference between FDM and TDM.
3.What are the major function of the Data Link Layer of OSI- reference model?
4. Show that the efficiency of slotted ALOHA is double of pure ALOHA.
5. What is modulation and where it is used.
1. The message 11010110111110 using generator polynomial x4+x+1.Explain whether it is correct or not.
2. Write the procedure of one bit sliding window protocol.Also explain what will happen when two user start transmitting the message to each other simultaneously.
3. Generate hamming code of the dataword 01001101.
4. What do you understand by selective repeat protocol.
5.What is finite state m/c.
Distributed System (MCA-505) Assignment:
1. What is the goals of Distributed System?
2. What do you understand by remote object invocation?
3. Explain open distributed system and its benefits.
4. Explain how quality of service can be achieved in stream oriented communications.
5. What is RPC.
1. Write down the difference between multi threaded client and multi threaded server.
2. What is code migration? Write down their advantage and disadvantage.
1. Write brief note on following:
    a. Eventual consistency.
    b. Process resilience.
2.Discuss the object model of CORBA and discuss the service provided by CORBA system.
1. What is difference between stateless and stateful servers?
2. Discuss about the file system model and their process.
1. Discuss in detail how web acts as a distributed system.
2. What are DSM servers and write their advantages.

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