Sno Title Platform Database Abstract Synopsis
1 Online Medical Booking System JSP & Servlet MY SQL It is a web base project to maintain the online appointment with a doctor and patient. Patient can book a appointment date and time with a particular doctor through online. Also there are many numbers of users as nurse, receptionist, medical sells representative, secretary and Admin. The back end data base we use for this project is MY SQL. And the framework we use for this project is spring and Hibernate.
2 Online Restaurant Management JSP & Servlet MY SQL It is a web base project to maintain the all service details with all menu and submenu items of a restaurant. In this application also an option for multiple restaurant. The application is developed only for admin part.
3 Data base Management System JAVA MY SQL It is a window base project to maintain the all functionality of a data base as create table, view table, run query, update table, delete table etc. The back end data base we in this application is MY SQL
4 Mobile Shop System DoNet SQL Server It is a window base project to maintain the seals and order details of a Mobile Store and also generate the bill as a report. The data of this project store in Sql server 2000 data base. It is develop in .net 2.0 framework
5 Chat Management System JAVA MY SQL It is a java applet base project to maintain the all functionality of a chat system to send text message and smiley with different sounds to the other users. The back end data base we in this application is MY SQL
6 Bus travalling System DotNet MY SQL Bus Traveling Management System is software which is helpful for bus travelers, who wants to travel by bus all over different routes. This system provide different routes for passengers, passengers can also have a look over how many trips are their available for specific route and what is the time table for different traveling. Passengers can book his ticket for his travel by bus with a specific route and for a specific day.
7 Cyber Cafe Management System JSP MY SQL Cyber Café Management System is the virtual cyber cafe manager who works for you automating the whole process of you cafe management, billing, keeping track of activities, etc. The server keeps track of client loggings as if you were maintaining it! You can convert your system to annoyance free pre-paid card system with this software without changing any of your hardware architecture.
8 Chit Fund Management System JSP MY SQL Online Chit Fund Management System covers every movement of cheques starting from Receipt to On Hand Cheques to Honoring of Cheques. With this, Bank Reconciliation becomes very easy and within no time, you can generate BRS and zoom for details with couple of clicks. You can also generate On- Hand Cheques Report, Cheques Dairy, Deposited but not Cleared, Cheque Returns Report, and so on which helps everyone to manage Cheques in the easier way.
9 Clinic Management System JSP MY SQL CLINIC MANAGEMENT System as simple as possible using Structured & Modular technique & Menu oriented interface. I have tried to design the software in such a way that user may not have any difficulty in using this package & further expansion is possible without much effort. Even though I cannot claim that this work to be entirely exhaustive, the main purpose of my exercise is perform each Hospital’s activity in computerized way rather than manually which is time consuming.
10 Dealer Ship Management System JSP MY SQL Dealer Management System delivers complete, fully integrated, dealer management systems to dealers across the Geographical location. The full featured, Dealer Management System can save a dealership thousands of dollars a month in support and maintenance, without giving up any important functions. Dealer Management System is the Internet based Application with all of the same features. They include Employee details, sales prospecting, Bank Transaction, service, Balance Sheet, monthly sales details, service tracking, daily sales details, shop detail, accounting and list of dealers, Products available.
11 AUTOMATED TRAINING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ASP.NET SQL SERVER AUTOMATED TRAINING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is used to maintain the database of all the trainees which are pursuing, completed and interested in doing training program. These are engineering student, corporate professionals, other employees etc. The registration process of course is consuming lots of time and man efforts. Managing details of such large number of students data using manual system is very difficult. Also managing payment details.....Download for detail
12 BUSSINESS PROMOTER ASP.NET SQL SERVER Business promoter is a project to promote business in any city or any country. In this project we can promote any kinds of business that user want. With the help of this they can promote their business online in which they include their all business information as their business name their qualification, work experience and also business man spread their business by advertisement......Download for detail
13 MATERIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ASP.NET SQL SERVER The material management module is idea for industries seeking foolproof tracking of the flow and management of material information in their enterprises-from purchase, Inventory management to aspects of production and sales. It can also be a stepping-stone for future ERP implementation......Download for detail
14 E-TALK ASP.NET SQL SERVER This project is mainly developed for the communication of employees of organization located at different locations. The Project entitled “E-TALK” set of the platform for the project leaders and administrator to send messages to keep constant interaction with the programmers......Download for detail
15 TIGER RESERVE CENTER ASP.NET SQL SERVER The project aims at tiger conservation in specially constituted tiger reserves representative of various regions throughout India and strives to maintain viable populations of Bengal tigers in their natural environment......Download for detail

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