C Programming

C Programming is simple and effective language. We are try to teach C in easiest way so that every on can understand. C is a general purpose structural language.It is discovered by Dennis Ritchie in year of 1972 at AT 7 T's Bell Laboratories of USA.It is high level language.Instructions of this language is in simple English language such as if else , do while , break , continue , for , int etc. C language is developed by combining two old language such as BCPL(Basic Computer Programming Language), B. 

In this post we are covering following topics such as:

Flow Chart : 
Flowchart is used to resolve the problem. Flowchart is a Graphical or Pictorial Representation of problem solving.It explain the operational and computational process of problem solving.Flowchart is design by using different geometrical symbols which is connected by an arrow(Flow line).Each symbol represent some specific operation. Read more.....

Introduction of 'C' : 
C is a general purpose structural language.It is discovered by Dennis Ritchie in year of 1972 at AT 7 T's Bell Laboratories of USA.It is high level language.Instructions of this language is in simple English language such as if else , do while , break , continue , for , int etc. C language is developed by combining two old language such as BCPL(Basic Computer Programming Language), B. Read more.....

 Data Type : 
Data Type represent the type of data stored in variable.There are four basic type of data type is used in C language such as: Read more.....
Constant :
Constants are those data item whose value will not change at the time of program execution. Basically there are four type of constant such as: Read more.....
 Variables : 
Variable is a data whose value is change during execution of program.Variable is an identifier or name. Variable is used to store any value. During the execution of program value of variable may be different. Read more.....
Structure of "C" Program : 
C program is a combination of one or more functions. C program contain one main function called main().Compiler start execution of program from main() function. Each C program contain following section such as: Read more.....
Library Functions : 
Library functions are those functions which are pre-defined by compiler of C language. Some of the library functions are given below: Read more.....

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